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Once upon a time, in a mystical far away land known as Columbus, Ohio, a young artisan suffered the brutal winter in the year of our lord 2009.  Unable to find work in his trade of illustration, he scanned the ancient tomes of looking for any work to fulfill his insatiable artistic hunger. Little did he know when he found an ad for an SFX artist needed and stretched the fabric of truth to get the gig, that the universe as he knew it would change forever.


Discovering a god like power to transform his meager illustrations into living, breathing beings, Sir Thomas John Pietch III esquire spent long days and nights studying his new found craft. Wielding this power for only a year before applying to the Face Off School of Magic and Wizardry for its second season in the desolate wasteland known only as L.A., he soon found others with his same magical abilities. However, as fate would have it, Sir Thomas was not accepted until the following year.


Upon completing his training and surviving the dreaded Palm Trees, our mage returned home only to gather his few possessions and quest back from whence he came.


Currently residing near Atlanta, he continues to practice his craft and do battle against the agents of darkness known only as Low Budget Film. 


  • Oil and WED clay sculpture

  • Advanced mold making

  • Foam Latex and Silicone runner

  • Airbrush detail and Body art

  • Prop fabrication

  • Pros Aide Transfers

  • 'Out of the Kit' FX makeups

  • Set application

  • Fine Arts & Illustration

Tommy Pietch

Special FX Artist | Concept Designer

Based in Atlanta, GA



The Legend of the Peach

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